Friday, 18 October 2013

Where can I see friend requests I have sent?

Now you can review your friend request that you have send in Facebook. You can see that in your Facebook activity log. Activity log display when you sent someone a friendship request. You can also see when you unfriend someone in log activity. Just follow steps below to review your pending friendship request.

  1. Click the privacy shortcut in the upper-right corner in your Facebook profile. Then click 'See More Setting'
    Where can I see friend requests I have sent?
    Where can I see friend requests I have sent?

  2. After that click 'Use Activity Log'

    Where can I see friend requests I have sent?
  3. Then on Activity Log click on 'More' and then 'Friends'

    Where can I see friend requests I have sent?

  4. Now you can see your pending friendship requests.

    Where can I see friend requests I have sent?

  5. Please comment if you like my post. :)

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