Thursday, 20 December 2012

Add a Shutdown Menu To Windows 8 Taskbar

Add a Shutdown Menu To Windows 8 Taskbar

             In Windows 8 Power option is not available in taskbar or in desktop. I just found some easy steps for Power shortcuts (Shutdown, Hibernate, Log Off, Switch User, Lock). The technique involves creating a series of shortcuts using special commands, saving them to a folder, and then specifying that folder as a taskbar toolbar.

Menu option
Shut downshutdown.exe /s /t 00
Restartshutdown.exe /r /t 00
Log offshutdown.exe /l
Sleep or Hibernaterundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState
Lockrundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
Switch usertsdiscon.exe

Easy Steps:

  1. First make a New Folder and rename it with "Shutdown". 
  2. Make a new shortcut in Shutdown folder. Add the above command at "Type the location of the item" field and name the shortcut as "Shutdown". Follow below image.

    Add a Shutdown Menu To Windows 8 Taskbar

    Add a Shutdown Menu To Windows 8 Taskbar
  3. Now create the other shortcuts for Restart, Hibernate, Log Off etc. In order to use the taskbar toolbar, you’ll need to create all your shortcuts in Shutdown folder.
  4. Once you created your all shortcuts, now you can add a unique icon for each shortcut. Go to your shortcut Properties, click Change Icon then click the Browse button. You can find a host of icons in the Shell32.dll file, as shown in below images.

    Add a Shutdown Menu To Windows 8 Taskbar

  5. Now you have create a toolbar in your taskbar. Right-click on the taskbar and then select the Toolbars >> New toolbar >>Choose a folder dialog box and will need to locate and select the Shutdown folder. Your new Shut down menu will now appear on the right edge of the taskbar.

    Add a Shutdown Menu To Windows 8 Taskbar


TechRepublic [By Greg Shultz]

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