Thursday 21 February 2013

How To Remove Locked Widget From Blogger Layout

Today I am sharing a small solution which most of  new blogger friends facing. Sometime we update our blog template for better looking. Then we see some locked widget without remove option in blog layout. The idea is just change the lock mode form true to false by editing at template section. We can also remove the Attribution gadget("Powered By Blogger") using this method.

Widget in your blog layout

  • Go to your blogger Dashboard >> Layout. 
  • To edit the widget just click edit at there.

Lock & Unlock Widget

  • I made a screenshots of above two types of widget. The locked widget don't have remove button.

How to unlock it?

  • Just go to your layout and click edit to get the widget id. You can get the widget id in your browser address bar.

Copy the widget id from widget address bar

  • Now go to Template >> Edit Template. And find the above code.[Use Ctrl+F to find].
  • You will get a line like this <b:widget id='HTML4' locked='true' title='Recent Posts' type='HTML'/> 
  • Change the locked='false'
  • Save your template.

Final step:

  • Now you can easily remove it from your layout. Now the widget shows remove button in your layout.
  • You did all successfully.

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